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Services / Skybox Services /
Skybox 360 Assessment

360 Assessment

Enterprises are using an increasing number of tools and controls to manage their cyber security. Data from analyst reports claim an average of 50 to 80 different technologies per organisation, and we've seen similar and often higher with many of our clients. What's the solution? Well, often it's even more technology for additional governance and visibility in search of the elusive single XXXX (insert pain of glass, source of truth or other marketing terms). 

Tools such as Skybox offer a solid solution to address this; however, their complexity and resource requirements. Many companies purchase Skybox for specific use cases and never fully appreciate how else it can be utilised. Moreover, the original requirements, teams and technologies may have changed, rendering the Skybox model incomplete or redundant. 

 Our independent experts start by understanding your original, current and future objectives for Skybox and your environment. We then review your set-up, policies and resources to discuss with you before presenting a report. Our report documents the current state and the desired optimal state with recommendations and required steps for remediations.

This can be delivered as a stand-alone assessment or as part of managed service agreement.